5 ways to improve employee well-being in the office


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What are some of the things you can do to improve employee wellbeing? How can you make sure that the changes you bring are effective?

Nowadays, health and wellbeing in the workplace are becoming more important, with working life becoming increasingly fast-paced and demanding. 

Since 2020, work burnout, stress, and mental health issues have dramatically risen. 

Therefore, looking after employee wellbeing can be one of the most important investments you make. Read the rest of this article, where we’ll go over how you can improve wellness and wellbeing in the workplace!

How to improve employee wellbeing in the office

Some of the things you can do to improve staff well-being can vary. You may consider carrying out some mindfulness activities, like therapy sessions! Equally, you may also find it useful to provide incentives, such as more flexible working hours.

Mindfulness activities

One thing you can do is to provide activities that boost mental wellbeing. You may consider providing free yoga sessions or gym memberships, or therapy sessions! 

Research has lauded the benefits of mindfulness activities, so dedicating a part of our day towards looking after ourselves can go a long way.

Some people may not have the time nor resources to dedicate to certain mindfulness activities. Whether you introduce them as a team or individual activity to do in their spare time, this is a surefire way to protect employee wellbeing!

Work-life balance initiatives

One of the things you can do to ensure employee wellbeing is to provide a hybrid, flexible working model. 

Some people may find that they work better in the comforts of their own home, or within their own set working hours. Some a long commute can also catch up on their rest by sleeping in a bit more.

They may also have their own routines that would be made much easier with flexible hours – like picking up the kids from school.

When you allow people to choose their own working hours, it can also show that you see your employees as people!

Provide development opportunities

Remember, employees are people at the end of the day! They may have their own goals and ambitions that they would like to pursue. You may find it worthwhile to provide them opportunities to do so.

You could provide more workshops that focus on self-development or following one’s passions. Or chances to attend worthwhile conferences and talks. 

You could also consider giving certain tasks to employees that allow them to use any skills they may have. For example, allowing someone who works in admin to flex their creative muscles!

Get to know employees

Show that you care by checking up on how their family is doing. What may also be effective in engaging in a conversation about something you hold in common. For example, the Premier League!

You could also allow your employees to loosen their ties a little. Whether by organising casual work events during the weekends or more lunches during the week. Getting to know your employees can go a long way in improving their well-being. 

Again, employees are more than their job position. Seeing them as individuals with their own personalities, lives, and passions, can make them feel valued!


Sometimes, a change of scenery is all you need. 

You could bring in more plants into the office to liven up the place! Plants are particularly useful, as they have been linked to decreasing stress and improving mental welfare

You could even rebrand the entire office if you’re feeling particularly daring! Repaint the walls or purchase better furniture that inspires people and brings out their motivation. Sort of what some large companies have done, like Google!

Don’t forget to ask your employees for their input. After all, they’re working there too.

Thankfully, more companies are starting to understand the importance of health and wellbeing in the workplace. When employees don’t feel their best, we can’t expect them to perform their best. This is why it’s essential to show take steps to improve employee wellbeing and show that you care.


SupportRoom is here to revolutionise the way we access mental support. Nobody should suffer in silence, and we think that therapy support should be immediate and accessible. Register your interest and connect with a therapist right now. 

Our platform offers patients confidential, professional mental health support for individuals and businesses. We connect you with licensed professionals, who can provide round-the-clock support via multiple formats – such as unlimited messaging or video calls.

We also have an ESP solution that provides detailed analytics to help organisations improve mental health within their workplace, and understand why their employees may suffer from mental health issues. 

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