psychodynamic therapy

Psychodynamic therapy – How can we help?

SupportRoom offers psychodynamic interpersonal therapy online at your convenience. With in-app messaging and voice notes, talk to your therapist comfortably from anywhere. The psychodynamic interpersonal therapist is uniquely matched to you and your needs.

Is psychodynamic therapy similar to psychodynamic interpersonal therapy?

Unlike psychoanalytic psychotherapy, psychodynamic interpersonal therapy focuses on treatment to resolve difficulties rather than just understanding trauma. However, psychodynamic interpersonal therapy is similar as it also involves in-depth conversations to identify key triggers and traumas from the past.

What can psychodynamic therapy help depression & anxiety?

Because psychodynamic therapy delves into the subconscious and its effects on the present-day symptoms, those who suffer from depression and anxiety benefit from this form of therapy because of its nature. Does psychodynamic therapy really work? Psychodynamic therapy has been proven to be effective for a wide range of mental health symptoms and is especially effective for “medically unexplained” symptoms. The effects of this treatment last long after the completion of therapy.

What is psychodynamic therapy?

Psychodynamic therapy focuses on the psychological roots, commonly childhood problems, of any emotional suffering. Through deep discussion with a qualified therapist, one would self-reflect and self-examine their relationship with themselves and how that has affected the present symptoms. The aim is to change those childhood traumas and their effect on present day symptoms. In discovering patterns in behaviour, the in-depth discussion will change those behavioural patterns.

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