How To Talk To Your Boss About Your Mental Health
Are you struggling with poor mental health at work? Maybe it’s impacting upon your performance? Or perhaps you feel anxiety because you’ve […]
The Benefits of Yoga on Mental Health: Mental clarity
Yoga can help connect body, breath and mind, bringing a genuine sense of tranquillity; reducing stress, tension, and helping you sleep. Do […]
How To Cope With Lockdown 2.0: Overcoming Health Anxiety
The ultimate guide to self-care for Lockdown 2.0. SupportRoom can help you address your health anxiety. We’ve been there, got the T-shirt, […]
Jobs for People With Depression
Holding down a job can be a real challenge for people with depression. This article helps you identify how much you need […]
Why do I feel so sad all the time?
Sadness is a normal emotion. But sometimes it gets out of control. Are you currently finding less and less joy in your […]
How To Come Out To Friends and Family
How to Come Out: 6 Tried-and-Trusted Approaches Our top tips for preparing for the big day. Coming out is an ongoing process. […]
How COVID is affecting student mental health
For many students during the pandemic, mental health is waning. 5 top tips for self-care in these difficult times.
Would I benefit from therapy? 11 signs that treatment might help
Therapy might help in ways you never expected. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Perhaps you find that you get ill a lot? Maybe […]
Learning to set boundaries (and sticking to them)
Boundaries; not barriers Do you find it difficult to refuse something you really don’t want? Do some friends or work colleagues lean […]
Why Can’t I Say No? The Myriad Benefits of “No”
Validating other’s needs over your own can be damaging. Do you ever wonder: why can’t I just say “no”? Are you the […]
How anxiety has infiltrated your life (and how to stay on top of it)
Do you feel regularly overwhelmed? Perhaps you have to take deep breaths as you walk towards the office in the morning, just […]