
Can I cancel my subscription?

If you no longer want to continue, you can easily cancel at any time through your account settings. Once you cancel, your account will be marked to not renew. If you cancel before your plan expires, you will still have the remaining time you’ve already paid for.

What happens to personal data?

SupportRoom takes data privacy seriously. We never sell any data, we never share personal user information with their employer, and all data is aggregated and anonymised. Read our terms of use and privacy policy for more information.

Can I change therapist?

Because we want you to experience the full therapeutic benefit, we ask you to give your current therapist a chance as it may take some time to get to know him or her. But occasionally, it can happen that someone feels their therapist is not a good fit and we want to make sure that you get the best possible care. Clients can change their therapist twice per month.

Will I choose my therapist myself?

Our unique matching process is what makes SupportRoom such a successful platform for our users. You’ll complete a questionnaire after you’ve signed up that helps us understand your needs; we use this questionnaire to find the most appropriate therapist for you. We’re careful to find the best match – it’s different from merely picking someone out of a directory. We understand that the client-therapist relationship is significant, so this matching process is a service we are proud to provide at SupportRoom. Your therapist is dedicated to you.

Which conditions can SupportRoom help with?

SupportRoom’s therapists are professionals, with years of experience in a range of therapeutic approaches. We provide on-demand & on-going support for a wide range of mental health conditions, including Anxiety Addiction Depression Eating Disorders PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Click here for the full list of conditions we support. If you’re unsure, contact us and we’ll get back to you with advice.

Are Support Room therapists licensed?

At Support Room we have an extensive, nationwide network of licensed therapists. We do not use interns or therapists who are not fully licensed and still under supervision. All of our therapists have over 3,000 hours of clinical experience. Support Room therapists have additional training in specific approaches to therapy which include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Existential-Humanistic, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic, Mindfulness and more. We also have a Board of Advisors who include prominent professionals that are experts in the healthcare space and help ensure that our service is effective.

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